From Terasic Wiki

Driver Installation for Altera USB-Blaster II. Plug the USB-Blaster II cable into your PC. Open the Device Manager, and right-click on the Unknown device under the Other devices branch. Select Update Driver Software. Select Browse my computer for driver software. Enter the location of the Quartus Prime software USB-Blaster II driver files. DRIVERS: Looking for the right driver? Use the search bar below to find the correct driver for your Aluratek device. The evaluation board includes an Integrated Intel FPGA Download Cable interface circuit for FPGA programming. USB drivers are included as part of the Windows installation, however before the host computer and board can communicate fully with a Linux installation, you must install the USB-Blaster II drivers onto the host computer.
To install the driver for your USB Blaster cable, follow the instruction for your particular operating system.
For Windows 10, do the following:
- Plug the USB-Blaster into your PC.
- Open the Device and Printers (Control Panel | Devices and Printers).
- Under Unspecified, USB Blaster should be listed. Right mouse click on this and then select Properties.
- Select the Hardware tab and select Properties.
- A new window should pop up with the General tab already selected. Select Change Settings.
- Again a new window should pop up with the General tab already selected. Select Update.
- Select Browse my computer for driver software.
- Find <Path to Quartus II installation>quartusdrivers
- (Note 1: Your altera file is located at the location you selected when you first installed quartus. The location listed in this document is the default location)
- (Note 2: Stop at the drivers folder, i.e., do NOT go deeper by opening a folder within the drivers folder)
Kinds Of Usb Devices
- Select OK. Make sure the proper path was selected then select Next.
- If the Windows security window pops up Check the Always trust software from “Altera Corporation”box and select Install.
For Windows 7 and Windows 8, do the following:
- Plug the USB-Blaster download cable into the PC. The following will appear on the screen: Device driver software was not successfully install. Select Click here for details.
- Select Change settings…
- Now cancel this (probably by selecting Cancel)
- Open the Device Manager (Windows Key | Control Panel | Device Manage)
- Under Other devices, USB Blaster should be listed. Right mouse click on this and then select Update Driver Software…
- Select Browse my computer for driver software
- Find <Path to Quartus II installation>quartusdrivers, then select Next; (Note: Stop at this folder, i.e., do NOT go deeper by opening a folder within the drivers folder)
- Check the Always trust … box and then select Install
For Windows Vista, do the following:
- Plug the USB-Blaster download cable into the PC. The Found New Hardware dialog box appears.
- Select Locate and install driver software (recommended).
- Select Don't search online.
- When you are prompted to Insert the disc that came with your USB-Blaster, select I don’t have the disc. Show me other options.
- Select Browse my computer for driver software (advanced) when you see the Windows couldn’t find driver software for your device.
- Click Browse... and browse to the <Path to Quartus II installation>driversusb-blaster directory. Click OK.
- Select the Include subfolders option and click Next.
- If you are prompted Windows can’t verify the publisher of this driver software, select Install this driver software anyway in the Window Security dialog box.
- The installation begins.
- When The software for this device has been successfully installed appears, click Close.
Install Driver For Usb Device
For Windows XP, do the following:
- Plug the USB-Blaster download cable into the PC. The Found New Hardware dialog box appears.
- Select Locate and install driver software (recommended).
- Select Don't search online.
- When you are prompted to Insert the disc that came with your USB-Blaster, select I don’t have the disc. Show me other options.
- Select Browse my computer for driver software (advanced) when you see the Windows couldn’t find driver software for your device.
- Click Browse... and browse to the <Path to Quartus II installation>driversusb-blaster directory. Click OK.
- Select the Include subfolders option and click Next.
- If you are prompted Windows can’t verify the publisher of this driver software, select Install this driver software anyway in the Window Security dialog box.
- The installation begins.

When The software for this device has been successfully installed appears, click Close. If you are running Windows in 64-bit mode, you MUST boot your computer as following both when installing the USB-Blaster driver AND when using Quartus to program your PLD.
- During boot up of the computer, continuously press F8 (but do NOT hold it down).
- Scroll down to “Disable Driver Signature Enforcement,” then hit Enter.
You must set up the driver before programming your PLD (CPLD or FPGA)
The Intel® Quartus Prime® design software includes everything you need to design for Intel FPGAs, SoCs, and CPLDs from design entry and synthesis to optimization, verification, and simulation.
Intel Cyclone® 10 LP FPGA family is fully supported with Intel Quartus Prime Lite and Standard Editions. The software provides an ideal entry point to high-volume device families, the Lite Edition software is available as a free download with no license file required.
The evaluation kit also supports the Nios® II soft processor, the world's most versatile, royalty-free processor, according to Gartner Research, and it is the most widely used soft processor in the FPGA industry. The Nios® II processor delivers unprecedented flexibility for your cost-sensitive, real-time, safety-critical (DO-254), ASIC-optimized, and applications processing needs.
Note: The Intel Quartus Prime Software Suite supports Windows* 7, 8.1, and Windows 10.